Personal > Motor Insurance

Motor Insurance (also known as car insurance, vehicle insurance or auto insurance) is insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary purpose is to provide financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents while driving a vehicle. Vehicle insurance also offers financial protection against theft of the vehicle, and damage to the vehicle sustained from events other than traffic collisions, such as adverse weather conditions or natural disasters, and damage sustained by collisions with stationary objects. The specific terms of vehicle insurance vary with legal regulations in each country.
With different basic types of Motor Insurance coverage being offered, ARF will assist you to make an informed decision.
The 3 Basic Types of Motor Insurance coverages are:-
- Comprehensive cover
- Third Party Fire and Theft cover
- Third Party cover
Your Motor insurance can be customised to add in additional coverage/benefits. Examples are:-
- Loss of Use
- Key replacement
- Personal Accident
- Medical expenses and many other benefits subjected to different insurers’ policy terms and conditions
Further to the addition of benefits, a choice of Authorised or Any Workshop cover can be offered by Insurers.
When purchasing a new Motor Insurance cover or renewing your Motor Insurance policy, ARF can have a Motor Insurance policy tailored just for YOU.
New customer
If you are a New customer that needs to renew your Motor policy, with ARF we can ensure that you do not lose coverage and are kept informed on all matters. Do not hesitate to get a quote from us, just fill in this form and we will get back to you promptly.
To ensure continuity of your Motor Vehicle coverage, every vehicle owner would have to renew their policy before it expires. With ARF, the renewal of your Motor Vehicle can be done with convenience and ease, all whilst ensuring that you make informed decisions.
Existing customer
Should you be an existing customer facing difficulty in renewing your policy, do not worry! Just fill in this form and we would be pleased to help you through the renewal process.
What to do in the event of a claim?
1. Exchange particulars with all involved parties:
- Name
- NRIC/FIN Number
- Telephone Number
- Vehicle Number
- Address
- Insurer
2. Take photographs at the accident scene and submit it to your authorised accident reporting centre
- The accident scene, including the accident vehicles and surrounding areas
- Damage to your own vehicles with the license plate included
- Damage to other vehicle(s) with the license plates included. Should it be a multiple vehicle collision, take pictures of the vehicles with direct contact with your vehicle, e.g. the immediate front and rear vehicles.
3. Call your insurer for a tow truck or further advice on the accident.
4. Make a police report if there are:
- Injured parties
- Damage to government properties
- Foreign vehicles
5. Report and bring your vehicle (whether damaged or not) to your authorised accident reporting centre/workshop within 24 hours, or by the next working day.
If you do not report an accident to your insurer within 24 hours
- Your insurer may repudiate liability because you have breached policy condition for failure to report an accident. You will therefore not be protected under the policy and will have to deal with your own repair costs and any Third Party claims made against you.
- Your No Claims Discount (NCD) will be docked upon the renewal of your policy.
- Your insurer may also cancel or decline renewal of your policy.